Are you thinking of getting a piece of the more than 2.3 billion active social media users?

Image Source: Marketing Land

With 2017 here with us, many companies have already planned a number of social media marketing campaigns they are going to implement throughout the year. However, a good number of companies fail to take into account several factors that make successful online social media marketing campaign. Furthermore, some companies under-estimate the importance of a good social media marketing campaign and as such, end up under-resourcing their social media efforts.

If you are not sure about your company’s 2017 social media marketing campaign then you are in luck as this post will get to highlight 4 Social Media Marketing Success Tips you should take up this year. For further clarification on the social media marketing tips shared on this post, feel free to interact with us on the comment section below or simply contact us using our contact details.

Document A Strategy

If you intend on having a successful social media marketing campaign this year, then the first step will be creating a social media marketing strategy. A strategy helps in identifying roles. In fact, data by Content Marketing Institute reveals that only 7% of companies or individuals without social media marketing strategies end up having successful campaigns while 60% of individuals or companies with social media marketing strategies end up having successful social media marketing campaigns.

Despite the importance of a marketing strategy for any given social media marketing campaign, companies still fail to have a strategy in place that will guide their online marketing campaign. When creating a marketing strategy always make sure that it’s clear and that every step you plan to take during the campaign process is outlined properly.

Understand Social Media Networks

It might sound simple but a good number of companies do not consider this when creating their social media marketing strategy. Social media is generally big and the best way to look at it if you are keen on conducting any campaign is by the different players that make up social media. In of major players, popularity or even which platforms mum, teens or dads use a lot in the social media world tend to change a lot and therefore, it’s very important to have this information at hand. For example, Facebook ruled the teen world for a good period but in 2016, Snapchat surpassed Facebook and even Instagram to become the most popular social media platform for teens. In fact, Facebook finished a distant fourth. For more details on this click here

Social Media Toolkit Is Your Friend

A good number of companies, marketers and even communicators who carryout successful social media marketing campaigns usually have in place social media toolkits that helps with creating consistent message and brand across different marketing activities. In addition, social media toolkits help with time management during the entire social media marketing campaign and recruiting new members as it helps outline their duties clearly. You should also use social media toolkits to create automation maps, assets and even social posts for all your social media platform be it a draft or the final version.

Content Strategy & New Social Media Trends

To have any sought of social media marketing campaign success you must have a good content strategy in place. Some companies go as far as delaying or completely doing away with their social media campaigns if they don’t have a good content strategy in place given its importance. So how does a good content strategy help? Well, it assists with ensuring that there is enough content for your social media marketing campaign before you kick start it. Furthermore, it helps in ensuring that you create relevant content for your campaign. Still on matters content strategy, you should consider taking up a social media marketing calendar as it helps with content management throughout the campaign.

For social media trends, every year brings out a different element that shakes or completely changes the social media landscape and 2017 is going to be no different. That being said, you need to familiarize yourself with all the 2017 social media trends like expiring content, live video streaming and death of organic traffic. For more on 2017 trends, do read our 5 social media trends to watch out for in 2017 post.